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Foto: Sara Tremblay 2013. 

- "But this Baltic business is like holding the mirror up to Canada. Now,
as to the woods, the very trees and wild flowers seem to be absolutely of the same family as ours, so that with the exeption of the language
one might as well be in Canada itself" -



Every year, since 1937, The Brucebo Foundation gives artists the possibility to come live and work at Brucebo. Canadian and Swedish artists have the opportunity to apply for art residency/scholarship.


The scholarships are administered by Concordia University’s Faculty of Fine Art and Royal Institute of Art in Stockholm depending on your nationality.  Our artists in residency have the possibility to work and live in their own little cottage located close by the sea and nature. The cottage includes kitchen, bedroom, bathroom, a studio space and last but not least, a fantastic view over the Baltic sea. 

Juanma & Corri-Lynn
Caroline Boileau
Fiona Annis Resestipendiat CA_2018
Painting by Corry-Lynn Tetz
At the Gallery, by Juanma

Photos by Juanma González Marcos, Corri-Lynn Tetz and Johanna Pietikäinen 2016. 


Travel scholarship 2017 - Caroline Boileau visiting Gotland.

April 24, 2018

During the month of April, Carolin Boileau visited the anatomical wax collection at La Specola museum in Florence Italy, then traveled to the arctic and northern Norway to spend time at the Steilneset witch memorial in Vardo. During the last two weeks of her trip, she spent a few days in Stockholm visiting historical and art museums as well as doing research at the Royal Library and finally arrived on Gotland to work on drawings, videos and texts based on her travels. 

Her watercolors and drawings are now on display at the Brucebo Gallery. 

Corri-Lynn Tetz ställer ut Gotlandsverk i Kanada

February 28, 2017

Vår kanadensiska stipendiat från 2016: Corri-Lynn Tetz ställer nu ut i en soloutställning i Montreal. Utställningen "Diviners" innehåller verk från Gotland och Montreal.


The exhibition Diviners, brings together paintings made during a three-month residency on the island of Gotland, Sweden, at the Vermont Studio Center and at home in Montreal. With a focus on fringe spiritual communities and ideas of myth and mystical experience, these works espouse the melancholic ethos of romantic landscape painting, imagining the figure and landscape as an armature for paint exploration and poetic longing. Whether the images were triggered by Gotlands’ creation myth and the islands rocky shoreline, or by photos of women protesting the ominous arrival of D.J.T, Diviners reveals an attachment to transforming found images through the act of painting and an attempt to discard the utopic/idyllic weight of a figure in landscape in favour of more evocative, interior, dreamscapes.


Verket på bilden skänkte Corri-Lynn till Brucebostiftelsen efter sommarens vistelse.

Sara A.Tremblay från Montréal släpper fotobok om Själsö.

October 25, 2016

Sara A. Tremblay, tidigare stipendiat släpper en fotobok om Själsö. I boken har hon genom fotografi skildrat sin 88 dagar långa vistelse på Själsö, Gotland. Boken innehåller också två texter av den tidigare stipendiaten Véronique Laperrière samt Anne-Marie Proulx som utforskar och reflekterar över det mytomspunna Gotland och fotografierna.

Michael Dudeck recieves prestigious art award

October 19, 2016

Michael Dudeck is one of four recipients of this year's prestigious Manitoba Arts Councils Major Arts Award, which will be supporting the writing, illustration, design and printing of his fourth artist book, The Encyclopedia Messianica.

Text and photo from

Juanma González Marcos får AIR_BALTIC residency fall 2016

October 16, 2016

 Juanma Gonzalez, Mira Mutka  and Johanna Nordenankar will make a journey along a Pilgrims’ way from Lokrume to St. Olofsholm by horse during November.

AIR_BALTIC is realized with support from Kulturkontakt Nord / Nordic Culture Point in the framework of Nordic–Baltic Mobility Programme for Culture.

Text från

Juanma Gonzáles Marcos intervjuas av p4 Gotland

July 19, 2016

Brucebostipendiaten Juanma González från Madrid är extremt intresserad av Gotlands medeltida kyrkor. Nästa år ger han sig ut på en lång vandring med kyrkorna som landmärke.

Text från P4. 

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